
We work on many exciting projects to help improve the lives of others, and are very proud of the progress we continue to make. Learn more about what we do, who we help, and how we work every day to promote positive change.


At Institute for European integration, we conduct publicly beneficial activities aimed at both the general and the professional public, on the topics of combatting disinformation, strengthening media literacy, and digitalization’s impact on democracy in a European context. We are always striving to make a difference, and invite you to learn more and lend your support.


The Institute for European integration provides platforms for the public, experts and political representatives to discuss Czech and European topics within the realm of digitalization. The Institute organizes public events, educational activities and formulates opinions and recommendations to improve domestic and European policies and civic engagement on European topics.

About Us

The purpose of Institute for European Integration is to perform publicly beneficial activities in the area of education of both the general and the professional public. The topics we focus on are digitalization, media literacy, combatting disinformation, and challenging Euroscepticism and rising populism.

The Institute also provides platforms for the public, experts and political representatives. There they can discuss the impact of disinformation on democratic integrity and how disinformation can lead to Euroscepticism and anti-EU sentiments. Furthermore, we research how digitalization can affect contemporary democracy and social constructs through political radicalization.

We organize public events and educational activities and formulate opinions and recommendations to improve domestic and European policies dealing with this new digital frontier. The Institute also promotes civic engagement on these topics in a European context, which predominantly revolves around stemming the accelerating challenge of Euroscepticism.

Youth EU

The project supported by the European Commission aims to address the sources of Euroscepticism among youth (high school and first-time voters) in the most Eurosceptic societies in the EU and among the EU accession candidates.

Contact Us


Phone number: +420 212 246 552

Address: Staroměstské náměstí 4/1, Prague 1, 110 00 Czechia

Identification Number: 07042531